"All these tweets and posts are rumours. He is very much alive. I had a word with him late in the evening," Fauzia Arshi, director of 'Hogaya Dimaagh Ka Dahi', the movie in which Khan was last seen acting, told IANS on late on Saturday."I would request all to stop these rumours," she added.
MUMBAI: Media reports say Bollywood actor Kader Khan is fit and fine after being rushed to Canada for medical help when his knee surgery went wrong.
Kader Khan has been in Canada since three to four months. He is alright. He is in Canada because his elder son stays there, so he is with him,” an Indian director Fauzia Arshi told a news agency over phone.
Asked if he is facing any serious medical issues, Arshi said: “There’s nothing like was he rushed to Canada or anything of that nature. Everything is fine.”
Arshi had directed Hogaya Dimaagh Ka Dahi, the movie in which Kader Khan was last seen acting.
The clarification comes after a digital platform quoted actor Shakti Kapoor as saying that Khan is now wheelchair bound and that he has been trying to reach the senior actor since the past few days, but in vain.
MUMBAI: Media reports say Bollywood actor Kader Khan is fit and fine after being rushed to Canada for medical help when his knee surgery went wrong.
Kader Khan has been in Canada since three to four months. He is alright. He is in Canada because his elder son stays there, so he is with him,” an Indian director Fauzia Arshi told a news agency over phone.
Asked if he is facing any serious medical issues, Arshi said: “There’s nothing like was he rushed to Canada or anything of that nature. Everything is fine.”
Arshi had directed Hogaya Dimaagh Ka Dahi, the movie in which Kader Khan was last seen acting.
The clarification comes after a digital platform quoted actor Shakti Kapoor as saying that Khan is now wheelchair bound and that he has been trying to reach the senior actor since the past few days, but in vain.
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